Tuesday IBS psalm 111:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments: his praise endureth for ever"
In my teens my friends and I were focused on fulfilling the desires of the flesh, we would chase girls, drink, do drugs, party, etc. But one of my friends in particular would do things the rest of us wouldn't, he was also the most antagonistic towards God. This friend did every drug under the sun, from computer cleaner to heroine, he would take huge risks buying drugs in bulk from extra shady dudes to save money, he would get trashed in school, he went farther than the rest of us. He was extremely intelligent and talented, took I.b. classes, got good grades, came from a wealthy family, and I love him, but he did not fear the Lord and was not wise, and now he's dealing with the consequences of that. My dad taught me about God and the Gospel in my early teens, he taught me the fear of the Lord. It shows how amazingly foolish I was that I would live that sinful and deadly life knowing the truth about God, that He is holy, righteous, just, and a punisher of evil. But there was a seed of wisdom in me, a beginning of wisdom. While I was doing those things I was very afraid of dying, I knew I would have to face God and give account for my life, instead of turning away from that life and following Christ I just tried not to die, this fear kept me from selling drugs and doing harder drugs, so this was still very foolish, but it was a beginning of wisdom. Because I was being a spoiled and stubborn child, God had to break out the rod if you know what I mean, but it was because He loves me and would not let me continue in that path. Now, because of God's unmerited grace towards me, that mustard seed of wisdom has grown and continues to grow in me. I'm still a fool, but now I know I'm a fool, if you know you are lost then you can ask for directions, but if you think you know where you are going you will only get more lost "if you were blind you would have no sin, but you say that you can see, therefore your sin remains."
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