Luke 3:14
"And the soldiers likewise demanded of Him, saying, and what shall we do? And He said unto them, do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages."
Do violence to no man is a funny thing to say to a soldier, whose job it is to do violence to men, but I don't think John literally meant for the soldiers to stop doing there job, I've heard that the soldiers during this time were corrupt and would be violent when there was no need for it, so I think he was just saying don't hurt people when you don't have to. So apart from not physically hurting people How can I apply this to myself? As a Christian my job is to follow Christ, I often become too focused on our enemy and our problems, those are things I should be aware of but it's not right to give more attention to them than is required, like the soldier using more violence than is required. There is a certain amount of attention I should give those things, but I should not exceed that amount, it is not my job to be overly concerned with those things, it is my job to keep my focus on and follow our Lord Jesus.
John also says neither accuse any falsely, so the soldiers being corrupt also lied a lot. I can think of no deep meaning to this, just don't lie, ever, like at all, so called little white lies are just as bad as any other size or color lies, cocaine comes in little white lines, anthrax comes in little white letters, little white lice create a lot of problems. Satan is the father of all lies, so if you lie you're basically being impregnated by lucifer and giving birth to his baby lie, and babies grow and create more babies, little white lies have serious consequences
Finally he says be content with your wages, we ought to be content with no wages, since we should be in hell anyway. also our ability to earn any wages or do anything at all is completely dependent on God. the laws of nature, our solar system, our planet, our governments, our bodies, our sub conscious minds, are all held together and controlled by God, we are dependent on all these, so be happy with a penny or with nothing, in all things give thanks, cuz we should've gone to hell
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